The Federation of Entrepreneurs’ Associations Germany
The ‚Bundesverband der Unternehmervereinigungen’ (BUV), founded in 2009, represents at the present moment 21 business associations, having approximately 3 000 members, with and without a migrant background. BUV is not affiliated to any political party, is open to people of diverse backgrounds and operates cross-sectorally.
Our primary objective is to contribute to the development of suitable socio-economic, cultural and political conditions for our society.
In particular, BUV aims at:
Increasing the productivity and efficiency of its members: BUV pays special attention to supporting existing companies as well as emerging start-ups.
Promoting a sustainable and socially responsible entrepreneurship: BUV proposes models and strategies to help its members grow familiar to these principles, given their relevance for today’s business.
Championing the cause of women entrepreneurship: women as entrepreneurs are of crucial importance to BUV. They might found less often businesses but they usually meet greater success, which can be explained by the fact that they conceive and start business in another way. BUV fosters many initiatives designed to help women undertake the entrepreneurial path.
Advocacy: It is paramount for BUV to advocate for its members so as to reach full recognition of their economic contribution to our society. This is why BUV maintains close communication and collaboration with key institutional actors on several topics: SMEs, ethnic economy, BUV international, women entrepreneurship, sustainable economy, education and knowledge acquisition.
Professional development: Seminars and workshops are organized to help BUV’s members acquire new knowledge and necessary skills.
Trade and investment: BUV offers its members new market possibilities, not only in Germany but also in their respective countries of origin and beyond.