Unlocking the potential of diverse entrepreneurs, the European Agenda for Inclusive Entrepreneurship aims to create, empower, and connect individuals from all backgrounds across Europe. By fostering an inclusive environment, empowering entrepreneurs, and promoting connections across diversity, this agenda offers a strategic framework for sustainable economic growth and societal progress.

Through evidence-based policy recommendations, such as developing a Europe-wide policy on inclusive entrepreneurship and establishing a European Inclusive SME Bank, the agenda seeks to address barriers and provide tailored support for entrepreneurs. Additionally, initiatives to enhance social safety nets, simplify administrative procedures, and embed entrepreneurship education at all levels aim to empower individuals to pursue entrepreneurial ventures.

The agenda emphasises the importance of networks, partnerships, and mobility in promoting diversity and fostering economic relationships. By incentivizing diverse business networks, forming partnerships between public and private stakeholders, and easing legal requirements for third-country nationals, the agenda promotes inclusivity and deeper economic connections.