‘‘I hope that our legacy to future generations will be a world celebrating diversity with all the colours of humanity and civility.’’ |
Dr. Adem Kumcu, President, UNITEE |
“The core of any policy should be that migrants are, first and foremost, human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Additionally, social inclusion policies are indispensable for the successful integration of those arriving in Europe and Efforts should be made to ensure that people are not discriminated against when it comes to the provision of social protections. All migrants, especially children, must also have access to education and health care.” |
“To leave and migrate is like throwing water on the ground. Afterwards you can never pick up the drops. ” |
“Migration is a very natural human phenomenon, as natural as breathing. Nature, history, culture and civilization all owe a great deal to migration, and migrants are the ones who actually make us what we are, both as a species and as societies. In Europe, particularly, it is time we recognize the huge contribution that migration has made to both the cultural and the economic development of this continent. Celebrating our diversity is what makes us stronger. ” |
![]() Caroline Petit, Deputy Director, United Nations Regional Information Center for Europe
‘‘On December 18th, International Migrants Day, let us salute the courage of migrants and show solidarity with all fellow human beings on the move, voluntarily or not, having to adapt to new environments.
For Europe, migration brings diversity and innovation. Migration enriches the culture and economies of both home and host countries. Migrants play a crucial role in the ever evolving societies we live in. On December 18th, join the UN-led TOGETHER campaign to show your support and welcome diversity. It is time we stop letting alarming discourse overshadow the positive narrative and success stories. Let’s join together for successful integration and a better future for All.’’ |
‘‘Investing in migrants and in their full integration into our labour markets and societies means fully tapping their potential as entrepreneurs, employers, employees and trade union members. For us as trade unions, having new and active members with a migrant background is synonymous with adapting to changes in society – and being fit and prepared to face the future.’’ |
Klaus Heeger, Secretary General, European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) |
![]() Thomas Huddleston, Research Director, Migration Policy Group |
‘‘We need a #WelcomingEurope where citizens across Europe can help migrants and refugees find a safe home and a new life. Sign up & share the campaign! www.weareawelcomingeurope.eu’’ |
‘‘Migration has played a significant role in human societies throughout history and in shaping the world that we see today. This phenomenon has an economic reality and cannot be undermined or nor be disregarded.’’ |
![]() Sunil Prasad, Secretary General, Europe India Chamber of Commerce (EICC)
“Diversity in age, gender, and ethnicity needs higher appreciation in entrepreneurship worldwide. Migrants starting their own enterprise will increase their self-esteem and independence, and therewith freedom.’’ |
‘‘Equality bodies recognize the high levels of inequality and discrimination facing people with a migrant background, including on the grounds of race or ethnic origin and religion. Equality bodies are champions for equality and defenders of the right to non-discrimination, and offer their support to those experiencing discrimination.’’ | ![]() Equinet, European Network of Equality Bodies |
![]() Giovanni Collot, Editor In Chief, The New European
‘‘A change of narrative in migration is needed. It is fundamental, for the development of our society, to move from seeing migration as a problem to considering it an opportunity and even a privilege. The alternative is to close ourselves off and inexorably decline.’’ |
“Unity in diversity” is Europe’s motto and message to the world but Europe should work harder to practice what it preaches. Europeans should celebrate their multicultural and diverse societies and tap the talents and potential of all citizens, regardless of religion, ethnicity, colour or culture. The future of the EU depends on this.” |
![]() Shada Islam, Director Europe & Geopolitics, Friends of Europe |
Patrick Gibbels, Secretary General, European Small Business Alliance (ESBA)
‘‘We should definitely be open to foreign entrepreneurs from all over the world as there is a lot to learn from them. Looking outward and learning continuously will allow us to improve and look at different ways of doing business. A great way to do this is by embracing migrant entrepreneurs.’’ |
‘‘Migration has been part of mankind since its early days. History shows that civilizations which are open to migration grow and flourish. For Europe to remain a growing and flourishing continent, migrants need first to be considered as human beings who bring skills and competences that we all can benefit of. Consequently integrating them in the economy and society are necessary building stones to growth, prosperity and diversity.” | ![]() Arnaldo Abruzzini, CEO, EUROCHAMBRES
![]() Brando Benifei, Member, European Parliament
‘‘In order to fully understand migration, one needs to see it in its dual nature, both as a challenge and as a great opportunity for our society. It is necessary, today more than ever, that Europe proves capable of shaping the right policies which will bring people together, instead of driving them apart. This is in my view the great question of our times: we have no option other than making it work!’’ |
‘‘The world is changing so fast, we are all migrants now. It takes courage to move, but thanks to technology, borders fade away. We have the chance to decide to be home wherever we settle. Families and friends are never far!’’ |
Marine Cornelis, Secretary General, National Energy Ombudsmen Network (NEON)
![]() Eugenio Ambrosi, Director, IOM Regional Office for the European Economic Area
‘‘Successful integration is essential for all stakeholders, not only in terms of the benefits gained from migration, but also for the well-being of migrants and the security, stability and social harmony and prosperity of society as a whole.’’ |
‘‘When you are in a new place, the best thing you can do is to meet new people and build a network… Integration is an ongoing process, not like a test that you fail or pass. Some people are born with a head start, I was born with the opposite.’’ |
![]() Fares Al Qadi, Event Manager, The Refugee Company
‘‘Migration has always been, and will always be, an inherent part of human evolution. We must welcome the great potential which migrants bring to our societies, protect and integrate beneficiaries of international protection, and give them the dignity they deserve. By helping them we are also helping ourselves.’’ |
‘‘Every day thousands of people are crossing the sea risking their lives for a chance of a better future: we cannot forget that migrants are human beings! They deserve protection and a life of dignity. Europe needs to be part of the solution of this terrible problem. #MigrantsDay’’ |
![]() David Borrelli, Member, European Parliament
![]() Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commisioner, Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship
‘‘On International Migrants Day, we are reminded of the many people on the move today for a variety of reasons. We are equally reminded of our European duty to show solidarity and responsibility, and to turn migration into an opportunity for our societies and for migrants themselves. We need everyone on board from local and national authorities to the private sector and civil society to make this work, including to promote inclusion at all levels for those who have a right to stay. This is not only a moral but also an economic imperative for our ageing continent.’’
‘‘International Migrant Day: being a migrant myself, my day too! I’m a lucky migrant: I can move around pretty freely, can work, feel very welcome in my host country Belgium, get plenty of chances…that cannot be said for many other migrants. Being a migrant (even a choice-migrant like me) is not always easy: you miss a lot of things too, you do not always feel understood, you do not always understand. But if you get the chances and take them, migration can be so extremely positive and enriching, for the migrants and for the societies they live in. JRS’s experience shows that, despite an often prevailing negative discourse about migration, many citizens and migrants across Europe are actively working to create positive environments for the benefit of all. Governments should take example from them. ’’ |
![]() Claudia Bonamini, Policy and Advocacy Officer, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)