Federatie van Jonge Ondernermers
Our vision is that entrepreneurs worldwide who are conscious of the importance of corporate social responsibility deserve a fruitful climate for entrepreneurship to optimally develop themselves and their businesses.
In a favorable economic climate, businesses can contribute to growth and prosperity, employment and the common good.
HOGIAF aims to contribute to the successfulness of these entrepreneurs.
Sevices and activities
HOGIAF has the mission to organize courses, training and information meetings which contribute to a better equipment of entrepreneurs. Next to this, HOGIAF stimulates meetings, interactions and (international) trade between entrepreneurs. Finally, HOGIAF enters into partnerships and alliances to become part of consultative structures in the Netherlands in order to contribute to increase participation and integration of its members within entrepreneurial circles in the Netherlands.
HOGIAF aims to supply its members with general information about economic developments. HOGIAF subsequently tries to explain the opportunities and threats that these developments bring along with them for our members. Beside this our organization discusses the ever changing legislation. HOGIAF also has a pivotal role when it comes to specialist services that entrepreneurs require. It helps the affiliated entrepreneurs to get in touch with organizations and companies that they require to increase their quality and quantity. The maintaining of close (inter)national contacts with public authorities , the political and business worlds is, in our opinion, necessary to promote the interests of our members. At the same time HOGIAF agrees upon discounts and favorable services with companies and organizations for affiliated trade associations and their members. Negotiations about this are, for example, held with banks, insurance companies and utility companies.