Fédérations d’Entrepreneurs et de Dirigeants de France
FEDIF is an organisation representing at national level associations of French business people, stemming in their overwhelming majority from a Turkish background. FEDIF currently gathers 8 associations (FATIAD, MEDIF, UDEC, UDESEF, UDEF PACA, Syner’J, UDEN and UDEB). FEDIF’s entrepreneurs are established in all big French urban areas such as Paris, Lyon or Marseilles and represent different sectors of the economy: textile, construction, furniture, self-employed professionals, food industry, automotive industry and tourism.
The overall purpose of FEDIF is to promote and develop an entrepreneurial spirit in France.
FEDIF’s central goals are:
- To reach strong cohesion and coordination between all its associations;
- To further economic trade by encouraging knowledge and experience sharing between its members;
- To develop friendly relations and solidarity ties between FEDIF’s members and more generally to promote human qualities in a professional framework;
- To contribute to the national economic development and participate to the creation of jobs by developing national and international business partnerships;
- To represent and foster the entrepreneurs’ activities within public and private organisations;
- To contribute to the internationalization of its members;
- To represent its members towards French authorities but also international ones.
FEDIF’s members get access to a series of services such as:
- conferences, debates, colloquiums and round-tables targeting topics of national and transnational importance;
- international business trips, B2B meetings, fairs and other sectoral exhibitions;
- search for partnerships, offers and clients in France and abroad;
- cocktails, receptions to share experiences and meet with officials from the business and political world;
- the notoriety of a business people’s federation, whose members are active all around France and for the sake of the French economy.
- an exceptional network of 17 000 entrepreneurs active in more than 150 associations of business people established in Europe, Central Asia, Africa, Russia, China and the United States.