See our collection of relevant events, conferences and meetings taking place next week.
Tune into them to stay updated on EU developments.
Plenary Session of the European Parliament
21 – 24 November 2022
Strasbourg, France
Agenda available here.
General Affairs Council (Cohesion) – Council of the European Union
22 November 2022
Agenda available here.
European Economic Area Council – Council of the European Union
23 November 2022
Agenda available here.
OECD Green Growth and Sustainable Development (GGSD) Forum
22 – 23 November 2022
OECD Headquarters, Paris
The 2022 OECD Green Growth and Sustainable Development (GGSD) Forum will discuss how recent developments affect mission-oriented approaches for green innovation and the role that low-carbon hydrogen and the bio-economy sectors could play in a sustainable recovery. It will also discuss the specific challenges and opportunities faced by SMEs, and the lessons learnt from the international scientific co-operation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) efforts to address environmental degradation.
To attend the event online, register here.
European Committee of the Regions
23 November 2022
The European Committee of the Regions will host a Share SIRA Transnational Conference on ‘Strengthening and Expanding Social Orientation & Integration for Newcomers in Rural Areas’. This one-day event is organized by the Share Network, the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) Europe and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The conference will present the main results and the lessons learned from the AMIF-funded SIRA project, which has piloted innovative integration actions and used multi-stakeholder approaches to strengthen migrant & refugee inclusion in 10 rural regions in France, Greece, Poland and Spain in 2021-2022.
The aim of the conference is to explore the conditions for successful social orientation and integration in small and rural communities, and to highlight inspiring bottom-up practices and link them to research and policy frameworks. It will bring together representatives from EU institutions, national, regional and local authorities, civil society and refugee/migrant-led organisations, academia, the private sector and grassroots stakeholders to further discuss how to promote the participation of communities and newcomers, as well as to strengthen synergies between integration and rural development strategies.
European Digital SME Alliance
24 November 2022
10:00 – 13:00 CET, Brussels
The event will feature European Commission´s high-level representatives, who will award innovative SMEs selected from the ‘Get Digital: Go Green & Be Resilient’ initiative. It will be a great opportunity to meet with the most innovative companies in Europe, including Too Good to Go and Back Market, and to learn more about the European Green Digital Coalition, unleashing the power of SMEs in the twin transition.
Diversity of Migrant Women – How to improve labour market integration of migrant women?
European Migration Network
25 November 2022
Women account for around 50 per cent of migrants in Finland. Migrant women form a diverse group having different reasons for migrating and different personal attributes: women arrive to Finland as family migrants, labour migrants, students, asylum seekers, refugees, and beneficiaries of temporary protection. Despite of their different backgrounds, migrant women seem to face the same obstacle: it is challenging to gain access to the Finnish labour market. One of the key questions of the integration policies in Finland is how to guide migrant women towards integration services and the labour market more effectively. EMN Finland’s national conference aims to tackle abovementioned issues of employment of migrant women and gain new insights from national and international experts.
To join the event online, register here.