See our collection of relevant events, conferences, and meetings taking place next week. Tune in to them to stay updated on EU developments.
16 January 2023
European Parliament Plenary Meeting
16/01 – 19/01, Strasbourg
Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (Extraordinary meeting)
19:00 – 21:00, Strasbourg
Eurogroup is the meeting of the finance ministers of the euro zone member states.
Agenda available here.
World Economic Forum: Cooperation in a fragmented world
16/01-20/01, Davos
The Annual Meeting will convene leaders from government, business, and civil society to address the state of the world and discuss priorities for the year ahead. It will provide a platform to engage in constructive, forward-looking dialogues and help find solutions through public-private cooperation.
EESC Public Hearing: Strengthening the role and independence of equality bodies
Rue Van Maerlant 2, Brussels
To prepare its opinion on “Strengthening the role and independence of equality bodies”, the European Economic and Social Committee is organising a hybrid public hearing.
Equality bodies combat discrimination at the national level through prevention and assistance to victims. However, their tasks and resources vary significantly across EU countries, resulting in different levels of effectiveness.
The hearing will address how to improve the powers of equality bodies to better fight discrimination, by gathering inputs from institutions, social partners and other civil society organisations.
17 January 2023
Economic and Financial Affairs Council
10:00 CET, Brussels
On the Agenda: Swedish presidency work programme; Economic and financial impact of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine; Recovery and Resilience facility; european semester 2023
20 January 2023
RIDE final event: Migrant Women in the digital economy. Towards meaningful inclusion
Becentral, 10 Cantersteen, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
The RIDE project, an initiative supported by the European Commission, was developed as a joint effort to strengthen the capacity of migrant and refugee women to enter the digital job market through integrated approaches in six European countries.
The final event will highlight how RIDE and similar initiatives can accelerate the participation of women in digital and technology sectors, advance the well-being and up/re-skilling of migrant and refugee women, contribute to socio-economic development and innovation, and foster partnerships across countries and sectors.
Within the RIDE initiative, project partners have delivered training and coaching for 60 migrant women in different European countries in 2021 and 2022 and created an interactive, online map with 100 references of digital skills training opportunities for migrant and refugee women. As its flagship activity, a job fair for migrants was organised in each country this year. Over 40 employers and over 200 migrant women took part in job fairs in different countries.
Speakers at the final event, including project partners, will share key lessons learned, and explore ways to strengthen the capacity of migrant women in the digital economy as a critical contribution to their social inclusion and the economic benefit of the host country. The event will also provide a chance for migrant women themselves to share their perspectives on labour market integration, training opportunities and skills.
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