See our collection of relevant events, conferences and meetings taking place next week.
Tune into them to stay updated on EU developments.
Transition pathway of the Proximity and Social Economy ecosystem
14 November 2022
17:00 – 19:30 CET, Brussels, Belgium
Launching the transition pathway for the proximity and social economy ecosystem is a crucial deliverable of the renewed European industrial policy (2021) and the social economy action plan (2021). The transition pathway aims to enable actors in the ecosystem to deliver on the twin transition while fostering a more sustainable and resilient economy in the EU. The launch event will also be an opportunity for stakeholders to present their commitments to co-implement the transition pathway. To register click here.
15 – 16 November 2022
The European Union and several European countries are part of the G20, a strategic multilateral platform connecting the world’s major developed and emerging countries. This year the summit will take place in Bali, Indonesia.
Understanding the challenges and the need for collective action, Indonesia will focus on three main pillars for its G20 2022 Presidency namely: Global Health Architecture, Sustainable Energy Transition, and Digital Transformation.
Agenda available here.
Virtual Citizens Dialogue “The making of Europe”
16 November
12:00 – 13:30 CET/ Online
Universität Innsbruck, in cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions, is pleased to host a Virtual Citizen Dialogue on the topic of “The Making of Europe”. With contributions from different European regions, the Citizen Dialogue will offer a unique opportunity to better understand how Europe functions and engage with European stakeholders from various backgrounds.
10th Integrating Cities Conference
16-17 November 2022
Utrecht (Netherlands)
The 10th edition of the Integrating Cities Conference “Inclusion for all. Empowering vulnerable migrants in cities” will take place on 16-17 November 2022 in Utrecht.
This year’s Conference takes place at a time when European cities welcome a large number of Ukrainian refugees, highlighting once again the essential role that cities play in receiving vulnerable people in need of protection. This high-level event is hosted by the City of Utrecht, within the framework of Eurocities project CONNECTION. UNITEE will be present at the conference as a partner of the project UNITES (UrbaN InTEgration Strategies through co-design).
16 – 17 November
This year, the European Business Summit will highlight the ways to accelerate the European response to geopolitical challenges as well as improve Europe’s efficiency in the fields of energy, transport, digitalisation, and performances of supply chains. Strengthening Europe’s geopolitical role in a complex and changing world is key to understand the implications it is likely to have on security and trade globally. The main topics on the agenda are: Fostering resilient growth, building a sustainable society, safe and innovative digital ecosystem, trade and security.
Register here.
European Employment and social rights forum
16 – 17 November
On 16 and 17 November 2022, the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission is organising its inaugural annual flagship event in Brussels, the European Employment & Social Rights Forum.
The Forum will be a unique meeting point for opinion and decision makers to discuss current issues around European employment and social affairs.
Register here.
Conference: The Unitary patents system, a game changer for innovation in Europe
17 November 2022
09:00 – 17:00 CET/Brussels
This conference will welcome a host of high-level speakers, including the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economy, the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market and the President of the European Patent Office. They will discuss the various avenues the unitary patent and the Unified Patent Court will open up for IP protection, as well as their potential to boost innovation across Europe.
17 November
11:00 to 13:00 -14:30 to 17:00/ Brussels
The 15th CIVEX commission meeting will take place on Thursday 17 November from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 17:00 at the European Committee of the Regions. This meeting will be fully on-site. The public can follow the meeting at the listening room JDE53 or through the following webstreaming link.
Agenda and other documents related to this CIVEX meeting can be found in the Members’ Portal.
General Affairs Council (Council of the European Union)
18 November, Brussels
On the agenda: December European Council, EU-UK relations, respect for EU values in Hungary, legislative programming.