See our collection of relevant events, conferences, and meetings taking place next week. Tune in to them to stay updated on EU developments.
European Parliament Committees Meetings
Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
Monday 28 November 15:00
Wednesday 30 November 9:00/15:00
Thursday 1 December 9:00
Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
Wednesday 30 November 10:30-12:30 14:30-18:30
Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
Monday 28 November 15:00 – 18.30
Tuesday 29 November 9:00-12.30 14:30-17.30
Civil Liberties, justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)
Wednesday 30 November 14:30- 18:30
Thursday 1 December 14:30-17:30
Council of the European Union Meetings
28 – 29 November Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council
Thursday 1 December Competitiveness Council (Internal market and industry)
Monday 28 November
Prague, Czech Republic/Online
The 2022 SME Assembly will take place from 28 to 30 November 2022, together with the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event will take place in Prague, with the option for additional delegates to attend online.
The assembly will feature high-level panels and interviews, expert round tables, interactive workshops, informative masterclasses and numerous networking opportunities. These will help stimulate Europe’s enterprises and equip them with the right tools for the transition towards sustainability and digitalisation.
28 Nov – 2 December, Brussels
The LLLWeek aims to raise awareness on lifelong learning’s capacity to answer many challenges of modern societies. The LLLWeek has over time become a milestone in the European education agenda, thanks to the support of civil society actors and Members of the European Parliament. The idea is to bring together learners and educators, field workers and policy-makers, researchers and political representatives, and give them the opportunity to discuss today’s greatest educational challenges.
Community-led initiatives and the European Green Deal
14:30-17:30, Online
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and ECOLISE will hold an event in the context of the annual Communities for Future Week, a week-long series of events at EU, national and regional levels that will explore how best to support ongoing work led by communities on climate change and sustainability in Europe.
The event will be livestreamed here and on YouTube.
The European Ideas Forum returns featuring a live audience for the first time since 2019, this edition brings together policymakers, industry leaders and academics, to focus on key challenges facing Europe over two days of stimulating discussions.
Tuesday 29 November
The future of democracy in Europe
The Workers’ Group is organising a conference in Paris, at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, focusing on the issues of persistent discrimination in Europe and how to tackle it and the challenges and opportunities of participatory democracy for the EESC.
Wednesday 30 November
30/11/2022 : 15:00 (CET) – 01/12/2022 : 19:00 (CET)
Charlemagne Building – GASP room (Brussels)
New waves of migration: are developing countries ready?
15:00 CET, Paris
Migration needs to take a front seat in development agenda’s moving forward. Migration boosts the number of people of working-age in a country, helps to fill shortages and diversifies economies, which can encourage more trade and investment. Yet, global development agendas have, up-to-this-point, failed to adequately integrate the role of human mobility into country strategies for growth and wellbeing.
Can developing countries turn the tide and take full advantage of the new waves of migration as a driver of development?
This #DevTalks is being held in the framework of OECD Development Centre’s 60th Anniversary Dialogues (#DEVat60)